Steph Smelewski - George

Steph Smelewski – George


Steph Smelewski

Product Manager

Q: How did George get his name?A: The first time I held him when he was only 4 weeks old, I just knew he was a George! I love when animals have human names, especially when they have a big personality to go along with it.Q: What’s your funniest memory with him?A: When George was a baby, he literally ate my homework. Imagine going to a college professor and having to say that your bunny ate your homework! I got a 3-day extension on the assignment after showing a picture of my little bun though.Q: What’s his favorite food?A: Probably a tie between blueberries and carrots. He also loves cilantro. Q: How does George make working from home easier?A: Unlimited cuddles! I love working from home with George because he’ll just hop up on the couch and hangout while I work and have my calls. Occasionally he gets a bit mischievous with the keyboard, but after some ear scratches, he’ll settle down again.